Ülemiste Donor Centre

At Ülemiste Donor Centre, you will find a reception and waiting area for servicing donors, rooms for medical examination, and a blood donor area for six people. We at Ülemiste Donor Centre are the first in Estonia to implement a more personal approach towards donors: if possible, each donor is attended to by a single nurse from medical examination to donating blood.

Donors who wish to donate whole blood are welcome at Ülemiste Donor Centre.

Coming by car:

Donors are entitled to two free hours of parking in the car park of Ülemiste Health Centre. You can check the availability of parking spaces HERE.

Coming by public transport:

Tram No. 4 – tram stop ‘Ülemiste linnak’
Buses 7, 15, 45, 49, 65 – bus stops ‘Lõõtsa’ and ‘Valukoja’

Valukoja 7 / ground floor, entrance from Valukoja Street
Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
664 0470